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Mature Woman

This three-month online program, limited to a small group of 6-8 participants, is designed for women and men who want to eliminate the physical fatigue, anxiety, and emotional emptiness that limit their desire to reinvent themselves. It aims to help them unfold the full purpose of life during this exciting stage, fulfilling life’s purpose and deliberately choosing joy as their daily vitamin for the soul, nurturing their emotional and spiritual well-being to inspire a profound transformation.


Launch Your Third Act

AKA Midlife Soul Awakening

**you will be taken to book a call with Olga to learn more**

Who do I need to be to initiate, transform, and embrace the most exhilarating chapter of my life?

Launch Your Third Act is a course of personal and uplifting evolution from the inside out!

This three-month group program is designed for men and women who are content and generally happy with their professional accomplishments. Now ready to delve deeper into self-realization beyond the various roles they have played in life, they long to use their wisdom to impact their community and the world at large. The program aims to help participants create a vibrant and unique legacy that uplifts humanity.


What's next? 

There’s a feeling of void inside, and  being an empty nester is one major SYMPTOM. They know there is more beneath it. They long to create the life they want.

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Laughing Yoga
Join Us in the

Launch Your Third Act

This three-month group program is designed for men and women who are content and generally happy with their professional accomplishments. Now ready to delve deeper into self-realization beyond the various roles they have played in life, they long to use their wisdom to impact their community and the world at large. The program aims to help participants create a vibrant and unique legacy that uplifts humanity.
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In this course, you will learn how to befriend yourself, find contentment, and move beyond worries about the future. You'll also master the art of letting go of constant comparisons to others and your younger self.

Discover a sense of fulfillment in your professional achievements, whether you're a business CEO or a Chief Household Officer embracing the empty nester phase. You'll move past any confusion about the future and find clarity, shaping what you wish to create in this rewarding stage of your life.

You're Not Alone

You probably feel a whole range of emotions - everything from mourning the end of one chapter you have been writing for the past 18+ years, to taking measurements for the big screen TV you’ll be placing in your recently acquired extra bedroom turned gym - or anything and everything in between. 


You’re not alone.


All these feelings and thoughts you go through are natural, and most mature adults experience them.

Reading in Nature

It can be challenging to figure out the sudden pressure on both ends–feeling the sudden void inside and trying to figure out your purpose in the world beyond being a parent. 


Until now … I am thrilled to introduce you to:


Launch Your Third Act: 'Midlife and Beyond Soul Awakening,' introduces you to a pathway to discover what brings you purpose, meaning and joy—and take action!


This is a course of personal and uplifting evolution from the inside out! It’s for you if you want to move beyond empty feelings, kiss worries goodbye, and transform yourself and your life where every day you become more aligned with your true purpose, experiencing deeper joy and fulfillment.

In this course you will find....

Launch Your Third Act is a course that will help you understand why your particular worry and overwhelm creep up and learn that the way they show up can be ditched for good. 

  • You will be able to drop the need to question your past performance as a parent. 

  • You will have the tools to create the best version of yourself. 


  • You will discover that it’s possible to move beyond your current sense of inner void.  

In contrast to stuckness, you will be able to create new feelings of aliveness, expansion, motivation, and joy that will open up a gateway for you to reinvent yourself, create the life you want, and thrive on a higher level.

What Will you Discover?

You will discover how to create the life you want or dream about; you launch the most exciting stage of your life, your Third Act


What’s the “Third Act” of life?  It’s easy to know as you look at what the first two acts are. The first one is mostly about your education and youthful exuberance. The second act is about career and family.


The Third Act is all about pursuing self-actualization, wisdom, and creating a great legacy.

Why Did I Create this Course?

I have created this course because I am someone who loves daily creation of who I am and how I can serve the world even more powerfully than yesterday.


I have two grown-up sons, who are married and I am soon to become a grandma for the first time!


I have been a yoga and meditation practitioner and teacher and a personal life coach for almost 40 years. I have helped thousands of people to discover their meaning for life, to discover their purpose and find joy. 


I believe that having a guide, coach or a teacher is the greatest blessing that anyone can have in their lives– especially in the most complex world with many different messages that we are bombarded with in daily news. Just pause for a second and think who has made a huge impact in your life and how it has changed the trajectory of your life? Life Coaching is a new industry and I believe it’s going to be one of the most powerful facets for the upcoming generations to help them to manage their minds, to find self-confidence, solid courage and develop the most healthy relationship toward themselves and to become powerful leaders in uplifting humanity on a global level. I love being coached and coaching others. Because of the daily and deliberate effort to become the most kind, compassionate and loving version of myself, I now live with a solid sense of who I am, trusting in my own potential and knowing what I want for myself. It’s taken some practice, showing up for myself with many big and small changes and commitments along the way.


And here’s what I know: this is possible for you, too. If you’ve had the never-ending thoughts of what might go wrong with your adult children sprinting through your mind, felt that funny feeling of” guilt”- telling, “You haven’t done enough,”or “I don’t know what to do next”  in your stomach, and spent sleepless nights tossing and turning, wondering why you can’t just figure out how to move on in your life,  awaken to life and living your full potential, then this course is absolutely for you.

The promise of a life without uncomfortable emotions? Not possible. But, they can be figured out.  I’m so glad you’re here.

Join Launch Your Third Act

Book your 30 Min Call to learn more details about the program!

Launch Your Third Act Course will help you:

  • Overcoming anxiety and frustration, what's the most optimal form of communication and staying in touch with your adult children, their spouses while staying to be a “healthy” engaged parent and a future grandparent?


  • With your partner, you will rekindle the joy and find the tools to create the most vibrant marriage ever. Yes, it’s possible!


  • You will drop the guilt of “not having done enough” or not being a good enough spouse, parent or a CEO.  


  • You will learn the art of how to create the most healthy and loving relationship with yourself and how to drop judgments about yourself.


  • You will leave the course with clarity, vision and a new purpose for what you wish to create in the current stage of your life.


  • You will be crystal clear in not only what you want but also how you go about to create it.

Launch Your Third Act is extraordinary and revolutionary in its unique way to help you in discovering the art of self-mastery over your daily thoughts and feelings.  You will be empowered with “hands on” practical tools to take action in your life and to create the life of your dreams.

What’s different?


Each person is unique and so is their source for personal “stuckness” and “emptiness” at this mature stage of life. The course isn’t just another attempt to fix these two from the outside. 


You will learn the most important question before the common one, “What do I do?” and will be rather prompted in the  direction  “Who do you need to be to step into the best version of yourself?”


You will understand and handle your life from a lighter place and without fear or dread.

However, the course is more than just that.

It is about creating a crystal vision of what you want at this
stage of your life and how to get it.

It’s about finding the skip in your step that you have missed some time. 


It will introduce you to the tools to ignite motivation, excitement, and joy to rediscover yourself. 


It’s a course of personal and uplifting evolution from the inside out.

Why is the course better than other personal development or motivational courses? 

Because Olga will use three extraordinary skills that she has mastered and practiced over the past 35 years combined as a life coach, yoga teacher, and Life Force Yoga (Yoga for Depression and Anxiety) practitioner. She is going to use the three unique skills in helping you process any variety of anxiety and move on in your dream life as an empty nester.


This three-month group program is designed for men and women who are content and generally happy with their professional accomplishments. Now ready to delve deeper into self-realization beyond the various roles they have played in life, they long to use their wisdom to impact their community and the world at large. The program aims to help participants create a vibrant and unique legacy that uplifts humanity.


In this course, you will learn how to feel lighter much faster and think on purpose. 


You will be able to find a connection with your adult children and your spouse that will empower you to be creative, upbeat and happy from the place of authenticity.

You will be taught and practice proven and tested tools to create what you exactly want in life.

You find your purpose, and launch your Third Act.  You will know the secret of how to stay excited, motivated and determined.

Do you find yourself feeling....

Olga is a woman of her word, creating something almost magical for me. Like a harmonious symphony, her words seamlessly align with her actions.

—--- H.K.

My journey with Olga has been one of profound learning. I greatly appreciate how she consistently shows up to our meetings, fully present and brimming with infectious positivity, making me feel like the most valued client she has ever had.

—---- A.H

Olga not only radiates a positive vibe and altered my perspective on life but also ignites a deep love for her profession. To many, coaching may seem like a daunting duty, but with Olga, I perceive it as a precious gift. She has achieved the greatest task a teacher can undertake: initiating the learning process and leaving the door wide open to endless opportunities.

— V. B

About Me - Your Host Olga

Olga is trained and certified as a life coach at the worldwide recognized school “The Life Coach School”. She coaches and mentors clients from all over the world. She holds PhD., in Education from the T.G.Masaryk University in the Czech Republic. She is certified as an experienced yoga teacher E-RYT 500+, and has practiced and taught yoga over the last 35 years. She helped hundreds of clients who suffered from back pain. Olga is also certified as the Life Force Yoga Practitioner, a branch of yoga that focuses on helping people with anxiety and depression.


Olga grew up during communism in her home country Czech Republic. She experienced anxiety first hand over such simple facts as having fear to be bullied and belittled by her elementary school communist teachers. As a teenager, she was threatened by communist authorities to lose her personal freedom and be put in prison. She not only survived it but was able to leave it behind, move on and thrive in her life. 

Her life coaching, mindfulness, and yoga teaching skills plus her unique life experience set her apart as someone who understands a wide range of life challenges and is able to meet her clients where they exactly are.  Now, in her new stage as an empty-nester, she lives the life of her dreams as a life coach and helping clients in the US and abroad. Olga would love the same for you – to find your Third Act and live the life you want and she knows how to help you.

Want to Connect with Olga for a 30-minute call to find out more details bout the program?

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What makes this Program unique and won't be offered again?

Olga is introducing 'Launch Your Third Act' as a 'FOUNDING MEMBER' program. This unique opportunity includes special features and benefits available only to those who join as inaugural participants. The program is offered at a special price and is limited to a small group of 10-12 participants, ensuring that Olga can provide the personalized support needed for participants to achieve the transformation they seek.


For the first time ever, Olga is offering a special group online program, drawing on her 30-plus years of expertise in her four core areas: teaching, nurturing, healing, and coaching.


What are the unique features of “Founding Member”?


  1. Founding Member Benefits: The participants will join as founding members, gaining exclusive access to features and benefits not available to later cohorts. This can include special pricing, additional one-on-one sessions, and unique content tailored specifically for the first group.

  2. Limited Enrollment: The small 10-12 participants only group format allows for more personalized attention and support from Olga. This ensures that each participant receives individualized guidance tailored to their specific needs and goals.

  3. Tailored Content: The program content is specially designed for this first iteration, taking into account the unique challenges and opportunities of midlife and beyond. This can involve specific strategies, insights, and exercises developed from Olga's extensive experience.

  4. Direct Access to Olga: The participants will have direct access to Olga’s expertise and personal feedback, which might be scaled back in future versions of the program due to higher demand or different structuring.

  5. Community Building: The participants will have the opportunity to be part of the first cohort, which often forms the core of the ongoing community. This group might continue to engage and support each other even after the program ends.

  6. Input on Future Offerings: As Founding Members, the participants will have the opportunity to influence the direction of future courses based on their feedback and experiences, making their participation crucial in shaping the most transformational program that Olga has ever taught publicly.

Inside of the Course

DURATION: 12 Weeks - 6 Modules (2 weeks per module)

FORMAT: A mix of video lessons, interactive workshops,
personal reflection exercises and weekly live lesson calls


"BEING ENOUGH" - Practicing Gratitude

  • Objective: To cultivate a sense of sufficiency and self-appreciation through gratitude practices.

  • Activities: Daily gratitude journaling, weekly gratitude sharing sessions in group calls, and the creation of a personal gratitude ritual.

  • Outcome: Participants will begin to shift their focus from what's lacking to what's abundant in their lives, fostering a positive self-view.


Unhealthy and Unskillful Thoughts - Practicing Self-Compassion

  • Objective: To identify and transform negative thought patterns through self-compassion.

  • Activities: Mindfulness meditation focused on observing thoughts without judgment, exercises to replace critical self-talk with compassionate messages, and role-playing scenarios to practice responses to common self-critical thoughts.

  • Outcome: Increased resilience against negative self-perceptions and enhanced emotional well-being.


Create a Healthy and Loving Relationship with Yourself - Process of Self-Forgiveness

  • Objective: To develop self-forgiveness and build a loving relationship with oneself.

  • Activities: Guided meditations on forgiveness, writing letters of forgiveness to oneself, and sharing stories of personal challenges and forgiveness in small groups.

  • Outcome: Reduction in self-directed guilt and increased internal peace and acceptance.

Module 4

Mastering Your Feelings

- A Pathway to Peace

  • Objective: To learn emotional self-regulation and responsibility for one’s own emotional state.

  • Activities: Emotional awareness training, conflict resolution exercises, and training in assertive communication to express feelings responsibly.

  • Outcome: Improved emotional intelligence and peaceful interactions with oneself and others.

Module 5

Finding Your Purpose and Clarity, Personal Document Creation - Pathway to Joy

  • Objective: To clarify personal values and life purpose, and document these insights.

  • Activities: Workshops on identifying core values and passions, guided visualization sessions for future planning, and drafting a personal vision document.

  • Outcome: Enhanced clarity about personal aspirations and a concrete plan to achieve personal joy.

Module 6

Your Life Mission Statement - A Road Map to Powerful Life Creation

  • Objective: To create a personal mission statement that guides life choices and goals.

  • Activities: Templates and examples of life mission statements, individual and group brainstorming sessions, and a final presentation of their mission statement.

  • Outcome: A clear and empowering personal mission statement that participants can use to guide their decisions and actions going forward.

Support and Resources

  • Community Support: Access to a private online community for participants to discuss their experiences and support each other.

  • Additional Resources: Recommended readings, podcasts, and interviews with experts in personal development, and mindfulness.

  • Follow-Up: Monthly follow-up sessions for six months post-program to reinforce learning and support ongoing personal transformation.

This structure ensures a deep and impactful journey through self-awareness, change, and empowerment to launch your "third act" with confidence and purpose.


You will have access to a Private Facebook community.

The online group program combines lessons focused on helping participants understand their thoughts and feelings, discovering the ways habitual thinking can either serve them or keep them stuck.


The course will highlight the important role your feelings play in your life, aiding in either unleashing your incredible creativity or leaving you stuck and overwhelmed. Additionally, each module explores the unique roles of 'Vitamins for the Soul'—core human feelings such as awe, gratitude, joy, kindness, self-compassion, serenity, and courage, and their enormous power to awaken you from within.


The lessons will include practical yoga, meditation, and breathwork techniques that not only calm your mind, reduce stress, and promote relaxation but also help you tap into your heart. This will enable you to find a place of inner peace and clarity on how to move forward from your heart in creating a life that brings joy and a sense of enormous personal purpose.

What Makes This Program Unique and
Won't Be Offered Again?

Olga is introducing 'Launch Your Third Act' as a 'FOUNDING MEMBER' program. This unique opportunity includes special features and benefits available only to those who join as inaugural participants. The program is offered at a special price and is limited to a small group of 10-12 participants, ensuring that Olga can provide the personalized support needed for participants to achieve the transformation they seek.


For the first time ever, Olga is offering a special group online program, drawing on her 30-plus years of expertise in her four core areas: teaching, nurturing, healing, and coaching.


What are the unique features of “Founding Member”?


  1. Founding Member Benefits: The participants will join as founding members, gaining exclusive access to features and benefits not available to later cohorts. This can include special pricing, additional one-on-one sessions, and unique content tailored specifically for the first group.

  2. Limited Enrollment: The small 10-12 participants only group format allows for more personalized attention and support from Olga. This ensures that each participant receives individualized guidance tailored to their specific needs and goals.

  3. Tailored Content: The program content is specially designed for this first iteration, taking into account the unique challenges and opportunities of midlife and beyond. This can involve specific strategies, insights, and exercises developed from Olga's extensive experience.

  4. Direct Access to Olga: The participants will have direct access to Olga’s expertise and personal feedback, which might be scaled back in future versions of the program due to higher demand or different structuring.

  5. Community Building: The participants will have the opportunity to be part of the first cohort, which often forms the core of the ongoing community. This group might continue to engage and support each other even after the program ends.

  6. Input on Future Offerings: As Founding Members, the participants will have the opportunity to influence the direction of future courses based on their feedback and experiences, making their participation crucial in shaping the most transformational program that Olga has ever taught publicly.

Crafting a testimonial that does justice to Olga Kovářová Campora proved to be no small feat; it literally took me days to compose. I found myself rewriting it multiple times, striving to convey the depth of her work as accurately as possible. There's something about her that exudes authenticity and drew me in, even though oceans and mountains physically separated us.

—--- A.K

...One of Olga's distinct abilities is her knack for guiding you toward unvarnished truths without excessive sugar-coating. For instance, I had a genuine aversion to complainers, yet with Olga's guidance, I came to recognize that I too had a tendency to complain. It wasn't immediately clear, but after her patient repetition that coaching is about "ME," not others, I grasped that I had been pointing fingers outward and complaining. It was a profound "Aha" moment that took me days to fully grasp.

----- A.M.

While many people, including coaches, may impart teachings that they themselves don't personally follow, Olga is different. She embodies the principle of "walking the talk." She emphasizes the importance of presence, and she lives it every second she spends with you. She speaks of yoga and physical activities, and her lean, muscular arms are a testament to her commitment.

—--- B.D.

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